August '09
I d0n't really kn0w where t0 start... I guess the beginning w0uld be a g00d place right? Wr0ng, y0u see ever since I met y0u n0ne 0f what was and what will be really maters t0 me, all that d0es is what is...
I've been trying t0 transcribe my heart's 'meta-eights' but, w0rds have failed t0 c0ntain y0u as w0rds 0nly cater for 'meta-f0urs'...and s0 I decided t0 let shut my m0uth and let my heart speak...
Th0ughts 0f y0u change my galaxy
Th0ughts 0f y0u transf0rm fantasies t0 reality
Realities where happy endings exist and are
n0t perceived as unfinished st0ries...
Th0ughts 0f y0u change my galaxy...and
f0rm realities where we flip pages t0 read and live wha is in the sky written,
realities wher stars seat themselves on red r0ses and defy the c0ncept 0f beauty...
Th0ughts 0f y0u change my galaxy, see
y0u're what I blast 0ff 0 everytime this w0rld gets t00 much and I need space,
t0 a w0rld where inspirati0n stretches int0 infinity and black h0le hearts d0n't exist because all that they can suck in is planets that were high on l0ve...
Th0ughts 0f y0u change my galaxy...
They form milkyways that whiten stained hearts and end at f0rever...
Milkyways 0n which I h0pe y0u'll take mu hand and take a step 0f trust...
Will y0u walk with me?
I h0pe this leads y0u t0 paths y0u've l0nged t0 tread...
paths that will lead y0u h0me t0 my heart...
i'm hearin' a hip hop rhythm here...
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