Mindful Writing Retreat (April 7-12, 2017)
Dear Friends and other Fellow Humans,
Apologies for the spamola, it's that time of year again where I'm trying to rustle up support for the annual writing retreat at the Tara Rokpa Centre in the Groot Marico.
This year we're very proud to have the inimitable Jason Donald (www.jasondonald.org) as a guest facilitator. Jason will be in South Africa shooting a short film in Cape Town, so we're very lucky to have him on board. His most recent novel Dalila is currently being turned into a movie by Oscar-winning writer/director Christopher Hampton (Dangerous Liaisons, Atonement etc). There's more info about the retreat attached, or you could shoot over to:
Please let me know if you would rather never hear from me again (i.e. next year around this time), by returning a message with "unsubscribe" in the subject line. Alternatively, you could also just quietly delete this mail and spend the year seething. Otherwise, please let me know if you might be interested in joining us.
happy days